We a

re trying again to get the perfect barn cat. We want a cat that is a good mouser, content to be outdoors and friendly but not too friendly with our bed and breakfast guests. Our first attempt is well documented in a previous post titled "That Darn Cat."
While Kelley was home for Thanksgiving, we took a trip to the county animal services and adopted another adult cat named Sunshine. (We have nicknamed the cat Sunny.) This cat seemed approachable but was not vocal and came with a good recommendation of the staff. It is about a 30 minute trip back and throughout the journey, the cat was very affectionate. We could hold and nuzzle him and he seemed very comfortable with us.
When we arrived home we made a BIG mistake. Kelley was carrying him from the car

when all of a sudden, a noise spooked the cat and Sunny leaped from her arms. He dashed at top speed across the yard. Simultaneously, an enormous owl swept down seeking dinner. We were all screaming which scared both the owl and the cat. The owl fled to the fields and the cat sought refuge in a giant oak tree on our property. This cat climbed up nearly 50'. When we placed the extension ladder against the tree, the clanking scared the cat up even higher, well beyond our reach.
It was getting dark and we had dinner plans, so we resorted to setting the "Have-a-Hear

t" trap purchased during our last cat encounter. When we returned from dinner, we were successful in capturing Sunny, our now really pissed off and frightened cat. We released her in the garage with food and water and watched her disappear amid the clutter. It's been a week now, and she will not let us hold her. We aren't quite sure what our next steps should be. Any advise???