Most people would be thrilled to be missing the blizzard in Minnesota. Not me. Not at Christmas time. Yesterday I spoke with my dear friend Mary who reported the snow looked like the scene from Rudolf, the Red-nosed Reindeer where the snow is blowing sideways. As she described the winter scene, we are having the nicest weekend we have had in weeks. I should be happy but I find myself homesick for the white landscape where boots, mittens and ice scrappers are required.
I am not alone. I called my daughter Kelley to lament the fact we are not digging out and interrupted her rollerblading down the Santa Monica boardwalk. Again, most people can't understand why we both would rather be watching the snow piles growing at an inch an hour. We really are the minority around here but nothing says Christmas like snow. And of course watching It's a Wonderful Life which we did last night.
But we do live here and we will be spending our second Christmas here so we are trying to embrace how Paso Robles celebrates. Last night was the Vine Street stroll. This is a long tradition of blocking off the streets and hundreds of Roblans wander for blocks enjoying the elaborate holiday decorations adorning the charming Victorian houses and California bungalows. Cookies, decorated strollers, marching band, carolers. It was a scene out of Bedford Falls. All we need is George Bailey running down the street shouting Merry Christmas.
We are pretty busy in the Bed and Breakfast and tasters who discover Per Cazo are still wowed at our unique style. The tree is decorated and we are working on the pie list. Christmas cards will probably be more like New Years Cards. So as I think more about it, instead of shoveling this morning, I am going to go swimming in an outdoor pool. Maybe it's time to reframe what Christmas looks like in my head and accept the true meaning of Christmas. Thankfulness for family, friends and all the blessings in my life.
Merry Christmas.