I can't believe we have lived in Paso for over a year now. I finally feel like it is home. I miss Minnesota but it's not home any more in spite of the fact we still have a great house for sale in Edina. I don't know why St. Joseph is taking so long to sell it. Saints are recession-proof. I love running the Bed and Breakfast and feel more confident as an Innkeeper. Fortunately, we have been close to 50% occupancy rate for the last few months. We recently had guests who stayed with us who worked with Dave back in the good old Eli Lilly days. Richard and Liz Davies were joining their friends the Bankstons for bike/wine get away. The Bankstons made all the arrangements so imagine everyone's surprise when we all put 2 + 2 together and realized the connection. It is such a small world!
As far as the wine biz goes, Per Cazo is really on a roll. We have received some great accolades - '09 Tres Blanc received "Best of Class" and gold medals at the Central Coast Wine Competition, Gold medal at the Orange County Wine Society. Epi Telos received Silver at the above competitions and still is Dave's favorite wine. The recent vintages of ZinG and Confluent continue to impress our tasters and is flying off the shelf. We are "Winery of the Month" for the Paso Robles Chamber of Commerce and receiving great visibility at Wine Festivals. We are grateful for all the support and continue to strive for making the best wine we can. We will bottle the next vintage of Epi Telos and Late Harvest in August.
The girls are doing well. As I mentioned above, Kelley has graduated and moved to L.A. She just started her new job as a NBC Page and loves it. Meg is finishing her job at Dramatic English in Hong Kong and is about to return to academia life pursuing her Certificate of Mandarin Translation. She is planning an exotic vacation with her boyfriend Andy to Bali in August. Dave and I hope to visit her later in the year but until then, rely on Skype to keep in touch.
Dave is busy working on his day jobs - consulting for a few different health care companies and loves being back on the road again. He left out of San Luis Obispo this morning at 5 a.m. I don't know how he does it. Maddy, the cats and I hold down the fort and enjoy the beautiful long summer days in Paso. The typical 90+ degree days haven't arrived yet but I know they will. I hope if you are still reading this, you will find a way to come visit. I have the wine chilled and the cheese plate ready!
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