Sunday, January 23, 2011

So I have received a lot of comments on where you enjoy drinking your Per Cazo. Thanks for the all the responses. The common theme among all the replies is the best place to enjoy Per Cazo Cellars wine is with close friends. We introduced a lot of "new" friends this weekend to our wine. Some were celebrating birthdays, some where just celebrating friendship. Everyone is excited about the barrel samples we offered.
Since we are so low on wine,every weekend we will be pouring barrel samples of wine that will be bottled soon. So far the overwhelming opinion is hurry up and get them in the bottle. Our winemaker Steve won't let us until he thinks they are ready so we will be patient. We anticipate three new wines by March.

January is a slower time for the B&B and we only had one room booked this weekend. A beautiful family from southern California came up. I don't know who enjoyed each other more the girls or the cats. Our cats love all our guests but the kids who visit must be the favorites. They sat by the fire pit under a blanket of stars with a cat in each lap while their parents sipped Epi Telos by the fire.

One of my favorite things about being in Paso are the beautiful night skies. The other morning I was heading into swim a little before 6am and the full moon lived up to Clement Moore's phase "gave the luster of midday to objects below." It was a chilly 35 degrees and a light frost coated the vineyards. It was eerie yet magical when you which you could take a snapshot only to know it would never really capture the moment. Perhaps I have painted enough of a mental image for your mind's eye.

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